Craigslist is a pretty common place for buying second hand goods these days. The website is essentially a giant garage sale at your fingertips. Occasionally you can find a good deal on high dollar items as well. That’s what 13 Dekalb county residents thought they had stumbled upon when they were later robbed.
In the past 3 months 13 people have been lured to a meeting location to purchase a cheap Sony video game console or an iphone only to be robbed upon arrival. In some of the instances, the robbers had guns. In all of the cases, the robbers made out with the cash the alleged victim intended to use on their great find from Craigslist.
According to this article from the Atlanta Constitution, the San Francisco based website didn’t respond to their inquiries about the situation. This can’t be a surprise to many, simply due to the number of Craigslist scams currently being run.
There are cases of people being defrauded out of money, being sold fake products, and receiving bad checks for payment. This string of robberies, however, takes it to a new level. When shopping on Craigslist the phrase “buyer beware” takes on a whole new meaning.
Some argue that the economy is causing a rise in property crimes like theft and robbery. Whether or not that is true, someone can face serious time if they are convicted of offenses like these. Property crimes can result in very serious charges and life changing sentences.
Facing charges like these is not easy and not something that should be taken lightly. If you or someone you know is in need of a defense attorney to help them wade their way through the Georgia courts, call me today.