This Georgia Legislative session may see an overhaul of the state’s gun laws if some get their way. Not, however, if college officials and other opponents have anything to say about it.
According to this report from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the State Legislature is considering an overhaul that would include, among other things, allowing weapons to be carried on college campuses. While some state this could prevent catastrophes like the Virginia Tech shootings, others equate it to throwing “gasoline onto the already volatile atmosphere of a college campus.”
College campuses are known as a place where young adults come into their own. They are also know as places where binge drinking, fights, and other occurrences happen. Adding guns to the mix may prove to be like adding fuel to the fire.
In addition to this potential change, the Legislation also looks to allow registered gun owners the ability to carry their guns in public buildings, churches, and even some government buildings.
Georgia’s proposed legislation isn’t the only of this kind. Tennessee’s lawmakers recently voted to allow firearms to be carried in parks, restaurants and bars, and gave business owners the ability to restrict this.
People who push for 2nd Amendment rights often seek to have their right to bear arms be unrestricted. With so many firearm laws on the books, they are often left frustrated.
In Georgia alone, there are numerous rules and laws regarding the handling, purchasing, licensing, and firing of firearms. Because of this, there are numerous opportunities to be charged with a weapons charge.
The most common weapon’s offense is carrying a concealed weapon. If you are carrying a weapon, even if you are licensed to do so, you must have it in full view. If you do not, you can be charged with concealing a weapon.
This particular offense is a misdemeanor the first time but carries a felony charge and potential 2 to 5 years in prison for a subsequent offense.
If you are facing charges like this one, I can help. Being caught up in the judicial system can be quite stressful, particularly if you are not sure whether or not you actually did something wrong. Call me now to discuss the specifics of your case.