Police are currently investigating the fourth robbery this week near the campus of Georgia Tech. In the early morning hours of this past Sunday, the victim was allegedly robbed in the stairwell of the Tavoli Tenside Apartments. She was grabbed from behind and her property was taken.
According to WSB Radio, 3 other such offenses occurred last week. One student was carjacked and robbed on Lynch Street, a group of four was victim to home invaders, and another female was robbed as she walked from campus to her car on Ferst Drive.
While there are no injuries reported and no mention of a weapon in the news reports, the police could be trying to keep the details under wraps as they investigate.
Many people don’t understand the difference between a theft and a robbery. A robbery can involve the taking of someone else’s property but it is considered a violent “personal” offense. Typically a robbery involves taking something that the person has on them, whereas a theft involves no threat or violence.
Burglaries, on the other hand, often called home invasions, are when a home is entered. Property may or may not be taken for the offense to be considered a crime. Often, burglaries are considered more serious than a business theft, for instance, because the home is considered more of a sacred place.
Theft offenses vary widely. The charge and subsequent penalty you face for it depends on what was taken and the manner in which it was taken. Obviously a robbery involving a gun will be handled in a far different manner than shoplifting, even if the shoplifted goods are valued as more expensive.
When you are facing any sort of theft-related charge, it doesn’t make sense to try and make sense of it on your own. As a criminal defense attorneys, we are here to help.
Contact us today to discuss the details of your case and how they might affect you.