My Fox-Atlanta reported this week on what they called a “major” fake pot bust in Gwinnett County. According to the report, a fifty-seven year old man was arrested with sixty packages of “spice” and 1,000 “marijuana pipes”. The brief report states the arrest happened off of I85 when the man was stopped for a broken tail light.
Last year, Georgia lawmakers passed a law banning synthetic marijuana and classifying it as a Schedule I controlled substance. This was in response to what supporters of the measure said was a recent dramatic increase in emergency room visits and poison control calls related to the substances.
Georgia isn’t the only state to have banned the substance, and this “spice” isn’t the only product to have gained a vilified reputation in recent years. Four Loko is an alcoholic energy drink that has faced backlash by the FDA and now a cocaine-like substance or what’s being called “bath salts” are being criminalized in some states.
Opponents of the synthetic marijuana ban stated that the uproar over dangers surrounding the substance were exaggerated and the issue was more of a political propaganda move than anything. They also point to the failed prohibition on real marijuana as reasoning to keep the substance legal.
Their concerns fell on largely deaf ears, however, when lawmakers went ahead with adding this, yet another substance to the controlled substance list. So, while the cops and evidence technicians are processing these 60 packets of spice, a substance still legal in many states, one has to wonder what truly dangerous crimes are being overlooked.
While online forums and news articles raise some interesting arguments for and against the ban on synthetic marijuana, the substance is outlawed in Georgia and there’s no arguing that. If you’re caught in possession of spice or any other brand name synthetic marijuana, you can and likely will face criminal charges.
Just how local prosecutors and judges will deal with the charges as they come their way is a story that remains to be seen in the local courts. If you are facing charges of possessing or possessing with intent to sell synthetic marijuana or real-life actual marijuana, we may be able to help. Contact our offices today for a free consultation.