This summer, the legislature took a step to stiffen penalties on what’s called “smash and grab” theft offenses. Defining the crime and levying some pretty hefty sentences, they hope to stop the growing trend in its tracks. [Read more…]
Burglaries Up in Augusta, Wealthy Neighborhoods Not Exempt
While crime as a whole is down across the country, burglaries in Augusta are up for the past five years. This is true in nearly every neighborhood. As the Augusta Chronicle reports, one of the wealthier ones, Summerville, has been hit particularly hard. [Read more…]
Georgia Children Victims of Identity Theft
Incidences of identity theft are growing. Being hit particularly hard are the young—often the very young. Anytime a child is a victim, the crime is reprehensible. But what about when the crime is financial and the suspect is a parent? [Read more…]
Georgia’s Tough On Crime Stance is Extreme Expensive
One in 13 Georgians is under correctional supervision. Whether they are behind bars or on probation, that’s the largest number in the country; the national average is 1 in 31. The tough on crime tradition is now costing state taxpayers $1 Billion per year and many are questioning its effectiveness. [Read more…]
Georgia Tech Campus Community On Edge After Robbery Reports
Police are currently investigating the fourth robbery this week near the campus of Georgia Tech. In the early morning hours of this past Sunday, the victim was allegedly robbed in the stairwell of the Tavoli Tenside Apartments. She was grabbed from behind and her property was taken. [Read more…]
Georgia Family Arrested in Theft Ring
A 48 year old woman and her two children are facing serious charges in Norcross after being arrested for several charges of theft over the past few months. The trio is suspected of preying on foreclosed homes, stealing wiring and air conditioners for profit. [Read more…]